Peer-to peer mentoring aims to support the Coach Educator, with a view to enhancing their coaching practice. The process involves the following three core aspects:
Pre-session meeting: The Coach Educators discuss the session methodology and learning objectives, offering feedback prior to the start of the session.
Session observation: One Coach Educator leads the session whilst the other Coach Educator observes. The Coach Educator who is observing can give feedback during the session if agreed prior to delivery.
Post-session feedback: The Coach Educator that observed the session provides valuable feedback and provides the opportunity for reflection.
Pre-session meeting
The mentoring process begins with Ujevic and Peacock coming together for a pre-session meeting, in which the aim is to prepare for the practical assessment. During the pre-session meeting, the Coach Educator who is observing should:
Connect with the session lead and create a positive learning environment;
Use effective questioning to check for understanding and encourage critical thinking; and
Encourage the session lead to plan and prepare for various eventualities.
Session observation
The Coach Educator’s role during the session is to observe the Coach Educator leading the session, with a view to providing feedback during the post-session debrief. Support can also be provided during the session if agreed prior to the session.
Post-session feedback
Post-session feedback is critical to supporting the development of the Coach Educator. In order for this debrief to be effective, the Coach Educator should create a positive learning environment in which the Coach Educator leading the session welcomes the feedback and participates actively in the discussion. In the following video, we see how Peacock skilfully provides feedback whilst encouraging Ujevic to reflect and problem-solve.
Learning frameworks

Reflective questions
Using the GRIP framework can help encourage effective reflection with your student-coaches. Use the framework below to reflect on the session you have just watched.