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Recognise the situation

FIFA, 22 Nov 2022


The session begins with a reaction game to warm up. Players then find themselves in a 2v2 shooting competition where the winner stays on. To end the session players compete in a 4v4 game played on two goals with position-based goalkeepers.

Warm-up: Quick reaction


  • All players involved, players react to the coach’s commands
  • Watch for physical signals or listen for verbal signals
  • Players must react quickly and move in a particular direction
  • Players can also run with a ball at their feet
  • Look for sharp reactions and correct decision-making from your players

Ways to make the exercise easier

  • Allow players to listen and watch at the same time
  • Call in a sequence rather than random instructions

Ways to make the exercise harder

  • No verbal instructions, just visual cues or demonstrations
  • Players to directly race an opponent
  • Players have to do the opposite to the instruction – i.e. forwards means backwards, left means right etc.

Great questions to ask the children

  • Can you try to be the first player to react and not follow others?
  • Can you be light on your toes and ready to move quickly?
  • Can you accelerate over the first 2-3 metres?

Safety tips

  • Players should make sure they keep their heads up and stay aware of others around them

Skill development: 2v2 shooting


  • Organise two teams of no more than 8v8
  • Two players at a time play as goalkeepers and strikers
  • They shoot for goal from their own half in a 2v2 match
  • If they score, then the opponents rotate for another pair on their team
  • If they miss the target and the ball goes astray, then they have to retrieve it before they can rejoin the game
  • The game continues 2v1 or maybe even 2v0 if both players miss the target consecutively
  • A fast‑moving game with lots of shots and opportunities to shoot different ways and make great saves
  • Keep score and the first team to ten goals wins

Ways to make the exercise easier

  • Reduce the distance between the two goals
  • Players can volley the ball after dropping it from their hands

Ways to make the exercise harder

  • Increase the distance between the goals
  • Play the same game but 1v1

Great questions to ask the children

  • Can you show me how to shoot and keep the ball low?
  • Can you show me how you shoot with power?
  • How important is it to hit the target?

 Safety tips

  • Make sure all players stay focused and aware of shots being taken
  • Waiting players should stay on either side of the goal – two metres away from the posts

Game application: 4v4 with flexible goalkeeper


  • Organise mini-pitches of 4v4 – the nearest defender to goal can be the goalkeeper
  • Set the players challenges to score different ways (a one-touch finish, a volley, a header, etc.)
  • See if players can work out the ways to make the perfect “set up” to score
  • Allow players time to find their own solutions
  • If there is more than one pitch, then rotate teams so that they all play each other

Ways to make the exercise easier

  • Play with no goalkeepers
  • Give one team an extra player

Ways to make the exercise harder

  • Add a fixed goalkeeper on each team
  • Make one team play with fewer players 

Great questions to ask the children

  • Can you show me how to shoot and keep the ball low?
  • Can you show me how to volley and keep the ball low?
  • Can you show me different ways to set up a one-touch finish?

Safety tips

  • Create safe zones between pitches

Rate your experience

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