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How's your touch?

FIFA, 13 Sep 2022


For warm-up, each player has a ball and follows the instructions or visual cues of the coach. The practice then moves on to a 3v3 football-tennis match. To wrap up the session, players partake in a 3v3 match where the coach can introduce constraints.

Warm-up: On the coach's command


  • Children all have a ball each, or share in groups if not enough balls
  • Children copy the coach or follow instructions or use visual cues
  • Lots of opportunities for children to manipulate the ball
  • If you are not confident about the different moves, ask the children to show you
  • Ask the children to listen to you and watch you

 Ways to make the exercise easier

  • Children can stand still and practise in the same spot
  • Children can move slowly with the ball and try basic movements

Ways to make the exercise harder

  • Children can weave in and out of each other
  • Children can race against each other to a place or you can place a limit on the number of touches
  • Increase the difficulty of the task

 Great questions to ask the children

  • Can you feel the ball at your feet?
  • Can you treat it like your best friend and keep it close to your body?
  • Can you try with your weaker foot?

Safety tips

  • Children must be aware of others around them and keep their heads up

Skill development: Football-tennis


  •  Create mini-pitches for 3v3 with a net or middle zone 
  • Play the game like a tennis match
  • Players need to ensure the ball touches the ground in the opponent’s half to score a point, after either one or two bounces
  •  Players can throw the ball, kick it, volley it, head it, etc.
  • First team to ten points wins: when a team wins the point, it serves

Ways to make the exercise easier

  • Underarm throw and catch to start with
  • One bounce on the ground to score a point

Ways to make the exercise harder

  • Players have to play the ball with their feet or body, no hands allowed
  • Players have to try and play without the ball touching the ground

Great questions to ask the children

  • Can you spread out as a team to defend your half?
  • Can you try to ensure the ball hits the ground in the other half?
  • Can you show me your tricks and skills to juggle the ball and keep it off the ground?

Safety tips

  • Players on each team must remain in their own half
  • Create a safe zone between the mini-pitches

Game application: 3v3 on two goals


  • Two equal teams – 4v4 maximum
  • Impose conditions on the game
  • When the player has the ball, see if he/she can touch it at least three times before passing
  • See if the player can stay on the ball for at least three seconds
  • The ball can only be passed forwards
  • Ask players to make runs ahead of the ball to receive it

Ways to make the exercise easier

  • Play a normal game with no conditions
  • Only impose conditions on some players – not all

Ways to make the exercise harder

  • Limit the number of touches
  • Ask the players to stay on the ball for five seconds
  • They can only score with a one-touch finish

Great questions to ask the children

  • Can you show me how to protect the ball when in possession?
  • Can you show me how to make runs ahead of the ball?
  • How can you make the pitch as big as possible?

Safety tips

  • Create safe zones between pitches

Rate your experience

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