#8 to 12

Orientation and the game

FIFA, 10 May 2022


The warm-up part of this session consists of three different exercises where players have to show good coordination and ball-handling skills. The second exercise is a 3v3 game on one goal, where players on the outside decide which team has possession. The session ends with a 3v3 game played on six goals with two goalkeepers.

Warm-up: Finishing circuit


  • Organise your group into three or four teams and create activities for each of them 
  • Set up dribbling courses or agility courses, ending with a shot at goal
  • Be creative and resourceful and you can include the children in designing the activity
  • Try to have more lines and goals, with fewer players in the lines, to reduce waiting time

Ways to make the exercise easier

  • Create low-intensity activities

Ways to make the exercise harder

  • Create high-intensity activities or races against other teams

Great questions to ask the children

  • Can you design a course that will challenge you?
  • Can you race against each other to see who is the quickest?

Safety tips

  • Create a safe playing area for each team 

Skill development: 3v3 with one goal


  • Organise teams of three
  • Two teams start inside the penalty area, with other teams spread around the outside of the penalty area with balls
  • One player at a time randomly "serves" the ball into the penalty area and the two teams compete to score a goal
  • After one team scores five goals or after three minutes, change the teams inside the area
  • Or you could play that the winning team stays on for up to a maximum of three wins before coming off

Ways to make the exercise easier

  • Give one team more players inside the box

 Ways to make the exercise harder

  • Require players to score with a one-touch finish

Great questions to ask the children

  • Can you try to shoot as early as possible?
  • Can you follow up any shots in the hope of a rebound?
  • Can you try to deflect a shot so that it becomes your team’s goal?

Safety tips

  • Make sure the players are all ready before each new ball is served
  • Create a safe playing area 

Game application: 4v4 on 6 goals


  • Organise teams of four: they play 3v3 in the middle and have a roaming goalkeeper who tries to block off three goals
  • The attacking team can only score in the empty goals; if a goalkeeper blocks off one, then there must be two empty ones to move to quickly and score
  • The goalkeeper runs behind the goals: this indicates the goal is blocked, so the goalie does not have to save shots

Ways to make the exercise easier

  • Space the goals further apart

Ways to make the exercise harder

  • Reduce the space between the goals and the size of the goals
  • Let the goalkeeper play in front of the goals as an extra player and block passes and save shots

Great questions to ask the children

  • Can you recognise which goals are available to score in?
  • Can you change the direction of play quickly to find the empty goals?
  • If you are defending, can you make play predictable and force the opposition in one direction towards a blocked goal?

Safety tips

  • Rotate the roaming goalkeeper every three minutes, as it's hard work!
  • Create a safe playing area 

Rate your experience

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