#Create and finish

Finishing: Offering to receive and score

FIFA Talent Coach Programme, 11 Feb 2025


This finishing drill aims to improve a player’s efficiency when receiving the ball as they run toward the spaces around an opponent on the edge of the area. Their first touch must set them up for a clear shot on goal.


What is practised?
This finishing drill focuses on a player’s ball reception around an opponent so that they can effectively angle their body and first touch, leading to a clear shot on goal. The exercise is aimed at the player level and focuses on aspects such as meeting the ball with good timing to take a touch into the space around an opponent. There must be good timing and coordination between the passer and runner, while passers must know which foot their team-mate prefers to shoot with. Players need to focus on precise and fast executions to beat the goalkeeper. An open body posture that is angled toward the goal when receiving the ball will help them to do this.

For whom is this relevant?
This finishing drill revolves around the player scale and works on receiving the ball before finishing smoothly on the edge of the area. The exercise is particularly relevant to attacking players who start a run into the channels and attack the goal directly. Players positioned inside one of the inner channels attack the spaces around the nearest centre-back so that a team-mate in possession in central areas can find them with a diagonal pass into their path. This exercise is not position-specific. Players get to practice finishing from these positions and must focus on the required actions when in these situations.

How is the practice designed?
This exercise involves a finishing drill in and around the penalty area, with the sequence starting just outside the penalty area. The mannequins provide a reference point for where opposing centre-backs may be positioned so that the pass can be played into areas that pin the defender and the receiver can run into these areas. The two-touch limitation promotes efficiency and helps players place more focus on body movement and a touch that sets them up for a quick shot. The starting position and mannequin give the players a foundation for the actions required to get into scoring situations from deeper positions.

Session plan


  • Use 1 half of a full-size pitch with a full-size goal and a goalkeeper.

  • Position a mannequin on either side of the semi-circle on the edge of the penalty area.

  • Create 4 stations: 2 “passing stations” 15m away from and facing the mannequins, and 2 “receiver stations” 10m away from the “passing stations” and closer to the goal.

  • Position 3 orange players at the right-side “receiver station” and 3 orange players at the left-side “passing station”.

  • Position 3 blue players at the left-side “receiver station” and 3 blue players at the right-side “passing station”.


  • The first blue player at the “passing station” moves forward slightly and passes forward into the path of the first blue player from the “receiver station”.

  • The pass must be played into the receiver’s favoured foot.

  • The receiver then takes a touch inside or outside the mannequin and sets themselves up for a shot on goal.

  • The sequence is then replicated, with the first orange passer playing a ball into the first orange receiver from the other side.

  • Rotate the players so they get to practice shooting from both sides.


  • Players must shoot with the opposite foot that they took their first touch with.

Key coaching points

Roles of the coaches

  • First coach – demonstrates the sequence and explains the rules and objectives of the drill.

  • Second coach – demonstrates the exercise with the first coach and then encourages the players from the right side of the drill.

  • Third coach – offers encouragement and tips from the left side of the drill.

Rate your experience

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  • 5
Create and finish

Breaking the defensive line

Breaking the defensive line

Breaking out and scoring

Breaking out and scoring

Finding spaces behind the press

Finding spaces behind the press

Switching play and creating overloads

Switching play and creating overloads

Attacking with speed

Attacking with speed

From 5v3 to 5v5

From 5v3 to 5v5

Exploiting the overload

Exploiting the overload

Attacking unbalanced defences

Attacking unbalanced defences

Progressing to score

Progressing to score

Using the pivot player to score

Using the pivot player to score

Attacking with depth or width

Attacking with depth or width

Beating the defender and scoring

Beating the defender and scoring

Winning your individual battles

Winning your individual battles

Feinting and finishing

Feinting and finishing

Outplaying defenders in wide channels

Outplaying defenders in wide channels

Breaking through the press to finish

Breaking through the press to finish

From 1v1 to 3v3

From 1v1 to 3v3

Offering to receive and score

Offering to receive and score

Dribbling past the defender and scoring

Dribbling past the defender and scoring

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