What is practiced?
This 6v6 small-sided game focuses on pressing high in the opposition’s half using a compact structure to prevent the opposition from playing through so that the ball can be regained close to the goal. The exercise focuses on unit-level actions such as ensuring gaps and spaces do not appear between the lines and the central unit pushing forward to press simultaneously to prevent them. Horizontal and vertical compactness makes it difficult for the opposition to play through the structure. This can help the defending team to push the attackers out wide, where they can be pressed and which should result in more ball turnovers.
For whom is this relevant?
This small-sided game revolves around the unit scale and a high press against the opposition when they are attempting to build play in their half. The game is particularly relevant to the organisation and pressing of the central core and enhances the effectiveness of working together to prevent gaps inside their shape. The central attacking players start the press and act as a trigger for when the players behind them must squeeze. The two centre-backs must focus on maintaining a good distance from the midfielders and denying the opposition space to play into. The game is position-specific, mostly featuring central players in a high press. Players must press according to their positioning.
How is the practice designed?
This exercise involves a small-sided game played on half of a full-size pitch, which helps to condense space and familiarise players with playing under pressure and pressing in one half of the pitch. The pitch has been narrowed to provide more focus on the central organisation when pressing and to promote more ball turnovers, which should force players to regroup quickly. The offside rule encourages the centre-backs to apply a high line and to get used to timing their actions on when to press and on when to retreat to prevent opponents from getting in behind them. Finally, the nature of the game and the actions required should foster an aggressive approach to defending high up the pitch and help players understand the importance of good organisation and compactness.
Session plan
Use 1 half of a full-size pitch with a full-size goal and a goalkeeper at either end.
Narrow the pitch to 30m wide.
Split the group into 2 teams of 6.
Structure the team so they use 2 centre-backs.
Mark out an offside line halfway across the playing area.
The ball starts with the goalkeeper of the orange team, who must try to progress the ball and create a goalscoring chance.
The blue team must press inside the orange team’s half and try to win the ball and score.
The team out of possession must always press inside the opposition’s half with the centre-backs on the halfway line.
Apply the offside rule.
Key coaching points
Roles of coaches
First coach – explains the purpose and actions of the game.
Second coach – encourages the defending team to press and use the correct strategy.
Third coach – observes from one side of the pitch.