Peer-to-peer mentoring aims to support Coach Educators with their professional development. The process involves the following three core aspects:
Pre-session meeting: The Coach Educators discuss the session methodology and learning objectives. Reflective questions and appropriate challenge are provided by both Coach Educators.
Session observation: One Coach Educator leads the session whilst the other observes.
Post-session feedback: The two Coach Educators engage in a collaborative discussion reflecting on the learning objectives and session methodology.
Pre-session meeting
The mentoring process begins with Marques and Peacock coming together for a pre-session meeting. During the pre-session meeting the two Coach Educators aim to:
Reconnect as peers and create a posiitve learning environment;
Use effective questioning to encourage critical thinking; and
Share knowledge and expertise in order to support and develop each other.
Session observation
During the peer-to-peer mentoring, one Coach Educator facilitates the session whilst the other observes. The purpose of the observation is to inform the post-session debrief. Feedback can also be provided during the session if agreed on beforehand.
Post-session feedback
The post-session discussion allows the two Coach Educators to share their reflections on the session. In this part of the mentoring process, both Coach Educators are encouraged to engage in a collaborative exchange of ideas and opinions. Drawing on past experience is a curicial part of the process.
Learning frameworks
Throughout the mentoring process, the Coach Educators should aim to create an effective learning environment by applying the LEARNS principles:
Meet individual needs by using a range of learning methods
Establish a positive learning environment in which self-esteem is enhanced
Encourage individuals to apply their knowledge and skills
Create opportunities for self-reflection and connection with past and future experiences
Deliver new skills and knowledge
Provide your peer with optimal challenge
As a Coach Educator in a peer-to-peer scenario you should aim to:
Create a positive learning environment and connect with your peer;
Provide evidence-based feedback;
Reinforce good practice; and
Encourage each other to think critically and problem-solve.
Reflective questions
In your role a coach educator, using the GRIP (goal, reflect, input, plan) framework can encourage you to reflect effectively with your learners. Use the framework to reflect on the session that you have just watched in the videos: