#Set plays

Corner kick

Ramiro Amarelle, 18 Apr 2023


A team’s approach to restarts is a key element in beach soccer. Each restart presents a goalscoring opportunity. Ramiro Amarelle delivers an exercise that works on various corner‑kick combinations. Just like in association football, corner kicks can determine the outcome of a game in beach soccer.


  • The exercise is performed using one goal and involves a 4v4, plus a goalkeeper.

  • Attacking team: one player takes the corner, while the other three players take up positions inside the penalty area. Defending team: three defenders mark player to player, while the other defender is positioned on the near post.


  • Ask three of the defenders to mark player to player, while the remaining defender is tasked with defending the near post.

  • Amarelle presents the corner-taking team with several attacking combinations. Firstly, the attacking players make rotational runs to free themselves of their markers, before the exercise progresses to passing combinations.


  • V°1: Vary the combinations and create specific match scenarios. Introduce the notion of blocking to allow a team-mate to free themselves of their marker.

  • V°2: Rotate the teams. The attacking team become the defending team and vice versa.

Coaching points

  • After performing each sequence several times, switch to the imaginary corner arc on the opposite side of the pitch to allow players to work on the combinations from different positions.

  • Attacking players should attack the ball aggressively and at pace, while making various movements to confuse their opponents.

  • Coaches should be creative and present players with various systems for this restart.

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