#Set plays


Ramiro Amarelle, 18 Apr 2023


A team’s approach to restarts is a key element in beach soccer. Each restart presents a goalscoring opportunity, particularly the kick‑off. There are various ways in which a kick‑off can be taken. Teams generally try to score within one or two passes of the kick‑off.


  •  Set up a 5v5 scenario, with one team taking the kick-off and the other team defending it.


  • This exercise focuses on a number of kick‑off variations.
  • A goal cannot be scored directly from a kick-off, i.e. the kick-off taker must play the ball to a team-mate before a shot on goal can be taken.

  • Ask the defending team to defend passively. The aim of the exercise is to work on different kick-off variations.

  • The exercise begins with the kick-off taker playing the ball along the sand to their team‑mate, who takes a first‑time shot on goal.


  • V°1:  The kick-off taker flicks the ball off the sand to their team‑mate, who takes a first‑time, volleyed shot on goal.

  • V°2:  Aerial passing combination that culminates in one of the two wide players taking a volleyed shot on goal.

  • V°3: Aerial passing combination that culminates in one of the two wide players performing a bicycle‑kick finish.

  • V°4: Allow the defenders to defend actively and apply a press, simulating a match scenario.

Coaching points

  • Develop different kick-off variations.

  • Ask the attacking players to adapt their approach according to the press being applied by the opposition.

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