The exercise requires 3 goalkeepers: one in goal and one at either end of the imaginary halfway line.
The goalkeeper runs out of goal at mid-pace towards the ball on the edge of the penalty area. They flick the ball up off the sand and juggle it for a few metres, before playing a volleyed pass into the hands of the goalkeeper on their left. They then get back into their starting position and repeat the sequence, this time playing a volleyed pass to the goalkeeper on their right.
Perform the exercise four to six times before rotating the goalkeepers.
This variation requires 3 goalkeepers and a coach. Place one ball inside the corner arc and a ball on each side of the penalty area. Simulate several match scenarios.
The coach serves a mid-height, volleyed shot from hte left side of the penalty area. The goalkeeper then gets back into goal before coming out to smother the ball at the feet of the goalkeeper on the right of the penalty area. The goalkeeper once again retreats towards their goal. The third match scenario involves the goalkeeper judging the flight of the ball to deal with a corner kick delivered to the far post, before playing an overarm throw out to the blue square.
Coaching points
Ask the goalkeepers to keep an eye on what is happening in front of them when retreating towards goal. The goalkeepers should take sidesteps or crossover steps when retreating towards goal.
Work on several match scenarios.