
Explosive strength

Ramiro Amarelle, 02 May 2023


In beach soccer, good fitness and coordination skills that combine speed and power are required to perform the simplest of movements. Beach soccer offers an excellent alternative to traditional forms of physical exercise and coordination training. Ramiro Amarelle delivers a series of exercises that focus on explosive strength, which is a key attribute in beach soccer.


  • Place the outfield players in one of the goal areas and a goalkeeper in the opposing goal. Set out four markers at different angles a few metres from the starting marker occupied by the players, and place two balls on the edge of the opposing penalty area.


  •  The players take it in turns to perform the exercise.

  • Ask the players to move as quickly as possible between the starting marker and one of the three markers in front of them and back, before repeating the sequence with the other two markers.

  • After having performed the sequence with each of the three markers, the player then sprints to the fourth marker and then to one of the two balls situated on the edge of the opposing penalty area and shoots on goal.

  • Each player is asked to perform the exercise four times (two left‑ and right‑footed shots apiece).


  • Divide the players into pairs. After performing four single‑leg hops from the starting marker and then sprinting towards the first marker, each player in the pair sprints diagonally and in opposite directions towards the ball on their respective flank. The first player to reach their ball takes up a position at the far post to meet their partner’s cross and finish on goal, which is defended by a goalkeeper. Once the move is over, the players must get back into position as quickly as possible.

Coaching points

  • Ask the players to perform the exercise at very high intensity.

  • As the coach, you should play an active role in the exercises, particularly when it comes to encouraging the players.

  • The players should orientate their body position towards the goalkeeper throughout the exercise. When sprinting back towards the starting marker after having completed the sequence, players should scan over their shoulder towards the goalkeeper.

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