#Out of possession

Zonal marking

Ramiro Amarelle, 21 Feb 2023


This exercise works on zonal marking. The defending players must monitor the space around them and defend against the opponent when they come to receive the ball in their space.


  • Set up a rectangular playing area using cones, similar to the one used in the man‑marking exercise.

  • Begin the exercise with 2 defenders v. 1 attacker inside the playing area, with a supporting player at each end of the rectangle.

  • The supporting players at each end of the playing area start with a ball each.


  • Each defender remains in their half of the pitch. The attacking player starts by choosing an end from which to receive the ball. They then go to the other end of the playing area to receive the ball in the other defender’s zone.

  • The supporting players at each end of the rectangle play the ball into the attacker so that they can control it first‑time.

  • The defenders try to intercept or win the ball in their zone before the attacker can receive it.


  • Make the playing area bigger and increase the number of players.

  • V1: Organise 4 defenders v. 2 attackers inside the playing area, with 2 defenders in each zone. Place 1 supporting player on each edge of the playing area. If the defenders manage to win the ball, they must play the ball out to 1 of the 4 supporting players. Only 1 ball should be in play.

  • V2: Progress the exercise by organising 4 defenders v. 1 attacker.

Coaching points

  • The aim for the defenders is to be alert to the danger in their zone, while adopting an aggressive approach and anticipating.

  • The defenders should use their hands to track their opponent. Create a competition between defenders and attackers.

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