
Counter-attacking with speed

Clàudia Pons, 19 Dec 2023


Speed is the key factor when it comes to counter-attacking, not only in terms of execution, but also when it comes to decision-making.



  • Use three quarters of the court.

  • Place a goal at each end of the exercise area.

  • Position a goalkeeper in each goal. 

  • Place a defender in each half. 

  • Position a player at each end of the halfway line.

  • Split the remaining group of players into two and position them behind the goals.


  • The exercise starts with one of the goalkeepers throwing the ball to one of the players positioned at either end of the halfway line. 

  • This player decides which goal they wish to attack, and they are joined in attack by the player positioned at the other end of the halfway line to create a 2v1 scenario.

  • Once the sequence is completed, the attacking players leave the pitch and wait behind the goal they were attacking. 

  • Two new attackers enter the pitch from behind the goal and attack the opposite goal along with the defending player in the previous sequence to create a 3v1 scenario.

  • The two players who began the exercise occupying the role of defenders take up a position at either end of the halfway line.

  • The two players who entered the pitch to set up the 3v1 scenario become the defenders.

  • The two goalkeepers take it in turns to begin the sequence. 


  • The counter-attack is launched by a player who dribbles the ball from behind the goal.

Coaching points

  • The goalkeepers should launch the counter-attacks as quickly as possible.

  • The ball carrier should focus on attacking down the central channel of the pitch to engage the opposing defender.

  • Passes should be played forwards, and directional controls should progress play forwards at all times.

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