#Offensive principles

Possession and ball control

Clàudia Pons, 10 Oct 2023


This exercise works on controlling possession in a reduced playing area. Initially, the objective for both teams is to retain possession. The exercise is then progressed to include finishing on goal. These two interconnected elements are central skills that a futsal player must master in order to be successful. When a team enjoy good possession, it helps players to recognise whether they should shoot on goal or retain possession.



  • Divide half of the court into three horizontal zones.

  • Arrange a 4v4, plus goalkeepers.

  • Set up a 2v1 scenario in zone 1.

  • Organise a 1v1 scenario in zone 2.

  • Establish a 1v2 scenario in zone 3.


  • Initially, the objective for both teams is to keep possession of the ball.

  • Play starts with the goalkeeper.

  • The in-possession team can make use of both goalkeepers.

  • Players have a maximum of two touches.

  • Players must remain in their zones, except for one player from each team who can move from the end zone into the central zone to create a 2v1 or 2v2 scenario. 


  • Both teams can finish on goal from inside the end zones.

  • If a player controls the ball with one foot and finishes with the other, they are awarded two goals.

Coaching points

  • Perform directional controls to progress play.

  • Adopt the correct body orientation to progress play up the pitch. For example, if there is space ahead of you, you should open your body to receive the pass before advancing forward with the first touch.

  • Ensure that the touch to control the ball keeps the ball out of opposing defenders’ reach.

  • Always receive the ball on the move and keep your head up to survey the situation.

  • Use both feet to pass the ball to increase the chances of finding the space to progress play.

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