#Offensive principles

Power play

Jorge Braz, 10 Oct 2023


This exercise explores the power play, which is a tactic used to create a 5v4 overload scenario in favour of the attacking team.



  • Use slightly more than half of the court. 

  • Place a goal at either end of the playing area.

  • Set up a 4v4, plus goalkeepers.


  • Play starts with the fly goalkeeper.

  • The attacking team aim to build an attack and finish on goal.

  • Play restarts only when the ball goes out of play.


  • Swap the goalkeeper for an outfield player.

Coaching points

  • Identify opportunities to create 2v1 situations.

  • Be aggressive and look to capitalise on the numerical advantage.

  • Try to create situations of numerical superiority in central areas of the court to destabilise the opposition’s defence.

  • Keep your head up to ensure that you are aware of the position of the opposition’s defence at all times and are able to identify any potential gaps in the defensive line.

  • Open up the court to prevent opposition players from being able to provide defensive cover.

  • Circulate the ball quickly to prevent the opposition’s defence from being able to pin you against the touchline.

  • If the opposition adopt a player-to-player marking system, the goalkeeper should progress with the ball to draw in and destabilise the opposition’s defence before making a decision about the next pass to be played.

  • Be patient when building up attacks to identify the right time to play the pass or take the shot.

  • Position and accumulate players in certain areas of the court to destabilise the opposition’s defence.

  • Identify when to speed up and slow down the circulation of the ball.

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