
Saving frontal shots

Antonio García, 05 Mar 2024


The focus in this exercise, which involves shots taken from central areas, is on the goalkeeper’s positioning in relation to the goal line. This drill also places emphasis on the importance that goalkeepers parry the ball into wide areas.


  • Set up a 15x20m playing area.

  • Place a goal at one end of the playing area.

  • Mark out a dotted line 9m from the goal line using cones.

  • Set up with three goalkeepers: one in goal and the other two (goalkeepers 2 and 3) beside the goal. 

  • Give goalkeepers 2 and 3 a ball.

  • Line six attackers up behind the 9m line.


  • Goalkeeper 2 rolls the ball towards the first attacker in the queue, who takes a first-time shot on goal from behind the 9m line.

  • The sequence ends when the ball goes out of play, the goalkeeper gains possession or a goal is scored.

  • Once the sequence is over, the goalkeepers rotate positions, with goalkeeper 3 rolling the ball from beside the goal to the second attacker in the queue, goalkeeper 2 taking up a position in goal and goalkeeper 1 occupying a position beside the goal.

  • If the goalkeeper parries the attacker’s shot back out to them, they have a maximum of two touches in which to finish on goal.

Variation 1

  • Introduce a second attacker to the sequence to increase the level of uncertainty for the goalkeeper.

  • The goalkeeper performs lateral movements between the two goalposts (slightly in front of the goal line), touching each of them before becoming active once the attacker receives the ball.

  • If the goalkeeper parries the attacker’s shot back out to them, the second attacker becomes active to create a 2v1 scenario.

Variation 2

  • The attacker has the option to finish on goal or set their team-mate up for a shot on goal.

Variation 3

  • The two attackers can play up to three passes before finishing on goal.

Coaching points

  • The attacker should be alert to any rebounds following their initial shot on goal.

  • The goalkeeper should parry shots into wide areas to avoid presenting the attacker with another shooting opportunity.

  • The goalkeeper should be stationary and anchored to the ground when the attacker shoots at goal.

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