
Agility & speed activation

Gary Phillips, 21 May 2024


Agility and speed are key skills in futsal, which requires players to perform quick changes of direction in a wide variety of scenarios.



  • Mark out 2 squares, each comprising the same 4 different coloured cones, as displayed in the graphic.

  • Mark out a white gate 5m in front of each square and a red gate 10m in front of each square.

  • Divide the group into 2 teams and assign each team to a square.


  • One player from each team takes up a position in the middle of the square, with their team-mates forming a queue behind the square. 

  • The coach calls out the colour of 1 of the 4 cones that make up the square. 

  • The player in the square races to touch the cone of the relevant colour with their foot before sprinting to the white gate.


  • The coach calls out 2 colours, and the players have to touch them with their feet in the same order in which the coach called them out before sprinting to the 10m gate.



  • Divide the group into 4 teams. 

  • Mark out a 5m x 5m exercise area, placing a cone at the midpoint of each side.

  • Line each team up behind a cone.

  • Place another cone in the middle of the exercise area.


  • The player at the front of the queue in 1 of the 2 pairs of teams positioned opposite each other runs towards the opposite team, sticking to the right of the central cone, and joins the back of that team’s queue.

  • The same sequence is then repeated by the players in the other pair of teams positioned opposite each other. 

  • The exercise continues in this way, with the players in the pairs of teams taking it in turns to run towards the opposite team and join the back of their queue. 


  • The player at the front of the queue in 1 of the 2 pairs of teams positioned opposite each other runs to the central cone before running backwards to the cone to the left of their starting cone and then sprinting to the cone directly opposite them. 



  • Use one half of the pitch.

  • Give 5 players a ball.


  • The players with a ball dribble freely inside the exercise area.

  • The players without a ball call to receive possession.

  • Players must not stand still.

Coaching points

  • Players should keep their head up at all times.

  • Players with a ball should establish eye contact with the intended recipient of their pass.

  • Players should show good awareness of the players around them.

  • Players should weigh their passes correctly.

  • Players should make good movement to receive the ball.

  • Players should give careful consideration to the timing of their passes.

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