#Offensive principles

Building an attack

José Venancio López, 10 Oct 2023


This exercise aims to work on the principles of attacking against a low defensive block. The defensive third of the court typically offers the attacking team the least amount of space in which to operate. Attacking players are encouraged to perform parallel runs to help to create space and clear goalscoring opportunities.



  • Use the full court.

  • Divide the court into three zones, with the two end zones both measuring 10m in length.

  • Organise the players into three teams of 4, placing one team in each of the three zones.

  • Position a goalkeeper in each goal.


  • The exercise begins with the team in the central zone in possession.

  • The two teams in the end zones are only allowed to defend inside their zones.

  • If an attack breaks down or the ball is turned over, the defending team transition into attack and attack the goal at the opposite end of the court.

  • If the attacking team score, they retain possession and attack the goal at the opposite end of the court. 

Coaching points

  • If the ball carrier is not under pressure, their team-mates should provide longer passing options to stretch the opposition and open up the pitch.

  • Adopt the correct body orientation and keep your eye on the ball at all times.

  • Constantly create passing lanes to give ball-carrying team-mates multiple passing options.

  • Focus on ball retention to test the defending team’s concentration levels.

  • Off-the-ball movement is incredibly important and helps to displace and disorganise the defence.

  • Consider whether shooting is a better option than retaining and recycling the ball. Patience may be required to wait until better shooting opportunities present themselves.

  • Recognise opportunities to shoot or play key passes.

  • Play firm and quick passes to create gaps in the defensive line.

  • Unlock the defensive block by switching play quickly, rotating positions and drawing the opposition out of position.

  • Do not surrender possession easily. Take care of the ball, and only take risks when the chance of scoring is higher than conceding.

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