#Offensive principles

Playing out from the back under pressure

Clàudia Pons, 10 Oct 2023


This exercise focuses on the key principles involved when playing out from the back when under pressure. It is important that the futsal player masters this aspect of the game, given that the majority of teams press from the opposition’s goal clearance, as it represents an efficient way to regain possession and create goalscoring opportunities.



  • Use the full court.

  • Set up a 4v4 scenario, plus goalkeepers.

  • Organise each team in a 3-1 system with a pivot (3v3 in the attacking half and 1v1 in the defensive half).


  • Play starts with the goalkeeper, who must play out short to a player inside the defensive half.

  • Once the goalkeeper has played the ball out short, the three players looking to beat the press inside the defensive half must complete three passes before play can be progressed into the pivot positioned inside the opposition’s half.

  • If the attacking team lose the ball, play restarts with the opposition’s goalkeeper.

Coaching points

  • The pivots should anticipate the areas in which space is going to be created so that they can move into it and offer their team-mates a passing lane.

  • Use the full width of the pitch to help to overcome the opposition’s press.

  • Perform blocks on opposing players to free up space and create passing lanes.

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