#Offensive principles

Using the pivot to overcome the press

José Venancio López, 26 Sep 2023


One effective method of overcoming the defending team’s first line of press is to link up with the pivot. This exercise focuses on the concept of playing the ball into a pivot in a 3-1 system.



  • Divide the court into thirds.

  • Set up a 3v3 (plus a goalkeeper) in zone 1.

  • Set up a 1v1 in zone 2.

  • Place a goalkeeper in the goal in zone 3.


  • The objective for each team is to score in the opposition goal by progressing play through the zones using the support of the pivot.

  • Play starts with the attacking team’s goalkeeper, who can either play out short to one of their 3 team-mates in zone 1 or directly into the pivot in zone 2. 

  • The 3 attacking-team players in zone 1 try to play the ball into the pivot to progress play into the next zone. 

  • In zone 2, the pivot can only link play and has to combine with their team-mates in zone 2 before progressing play into zone 3.

  • Once the ball reaches zone 3, any player can score.

  • If a team lose possession, the opposition then attack towards the opposite goal.

Coaching points

  • Adopting good body orientation provides players with the widest possible field of vision, which allows them to play the ball into any area of the court.

  • Constantly create passing lanes to progress play into the next zone.

  • Perform feints to pull opposition players out of position and create space to receive.

  • Focus on ball retention and the quality of the first touch.

  • Shift defenders around the court through constant on- and off-the-ball movement.

  • Support the pivot by recognising when and where to move to receive a lay-off.

  • Passes need to be firm and accurate.

  • The pivot should focus on shielding the ball and playing with their back to goal.

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