#Offensive principles

Playing out from the back

Graeme Dell, 26 Sep 2023


Given that goalkeepers are increasingly involved in the in-possession phase of the game, it is important to practise various strategies of building play from the back. This exercise focuses on playing out from the back effectively.



  • Divide the court into thirds.

  • Set up a 5v5 (plus goalkeepers).

  • Create a 2v1 scenario in the defensive third, a 2v2 scenario in the middle third, and a 1v2 scenario in the attacking third. 


  • The ball must pass through all three zones before a goal can be scored.

  • Play starts with the attacking team’s goalkeeper.

  • Both of the players in the defensive third must each touch the ball at least once before it can be transitioned into the middle third. 

  • The defensive player who plays the ball into the middle third can join their two team-mates in that zone to create a 3v2 scenario.

  • When the ball is played into the attacking zone, only one defender from the middle third is allowed to enter the defensive third, thereby creating a 4v3 scenario.


  • V1: Limit the number of defenders allowed in their own half to create a 4v3 overload in favour of the attacking team.

  • V2: All defending players can defend in their own half to create a 4v4 scenario.

Coaching points

  • Players should be encouraged to take good care of the ball when in possession to allow them to progress play through the thirds.

  • Prioritise forward passes to enable the attacking team to penetrate the opposition’s defence as quickly as possible.

  • Create passing lanes for in-possession team-mates to ensure that they have multiple passing options.

  • Be patient when in possession and look to create space.

  • Use gestures and body orientation to visually communicate with team-mates.

  • Perform feints to force the opposition into mistakes and to create space to receive.

  • Play at a high tempo with lots of movement and off-the-ball support.

  • Circulate the ball quickly to disrupt the opposition’s defensive set-up and seek to capitalise on this.

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